Miramare Ponte Press

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Anny the painter | Hair stylist + color specialist

5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page
Anny is a hair stylist and color specialist in NJ, she creates absolutely gorgeous styles for her clients and specializes in vivid color! We really wanted to capture this boldness and color in her website along with Anny’s bright personality while still giving luxury salon or spa. 

We also utilized a lot of unique site movement, gifs, and fun scroll effects throughout the site to really create interest and capture visitors attention!


Miramare Ponte Press | Publisher & writing coach

7-10 Pages | 2 Long-Form Sales Page
Miramare Ponte Press is a publishing company working with authors and or aspiring authors to make their dreams of becoming published a reality! They have a unique approach to publishing that prioritizes authors and supports them in their writing journey with a trauma-informed, personalized approach.

When Marcy, the founder of Miramare Ponte Press and award winning author herself, came to me she said she felt she needed a website that reflected what her business has grown into. She wanted to raise her prices and felt they needed a website that didn’t just match her prices but made visitors go “Of course it’s that price! That makes sense!” and feel excited to pay those higher-end prices for their exceptional services!

Marcy also wanted to employ the Storybrand framework to really capture visitors attention and develop that deep connection based on their needs, pains, and desires. Storybrand is all about telling your clients story over your own. So that when they interact with your website and your copy they see themselves in the story you’re telling and it inspires them towards action!


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Clean beauty expert + influencer, brand consultant, speaker, and founder.

8-10 Pages | 2 Long-Form Sales Page
Cassandra is a house-hold name in the Clean Beauty industry. She is an online beauty influencer, event host, brand strategist + consultant, and brand founder. 

We focused on brand revitalization, crafting an online presence that reflected her level of expertise, high-quality work, and luxury client base.

Now, Cassandra has a website that reflects the high-ticket, elevated nature of her work. It allows her to better connect with her clients, major beauty brands that want to see that professional expertise reflected. She has since expanded her offerings and raised her prices!


Alyson brewer consulting

Jacki Mariest  | Wellness + Health Coach

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Alyson Brewer Consulting

5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page
Aly wanted a professional, modern website that still felt like her so she could market as herself confidently as a Clifton-Strengths Consultant to organizations & corporations.

"When I first saw my website I literally cried tears of absolute joy because the website reflected my heart. It has given me the confidence to market myself. It also inspires my clients confidence in me."


jacki |

5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page
Jacki came to me for a website redesign, she needed an update and an upgrade. She wanted a webiste to better market her health coaching, mediation course, Qi Gong, as well as her new Earseeding business in a way that felt true to her and her brand. 

"Somehow, [Hannah] took what was in my mind and brought it to life. She helped ferret out what I wanted, helped me put words to what was in my head. I teared up. That is the absolute truth.I have a website that reflects what I do and I am proud to share it."


Will Harris

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Health Centered Leadership

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5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page | Integration + Appointment, Scheduling, and Calendar Set-up with SimplyBook.Me
Will needed an online homebase where he could showcase his services, book clients, manage his schedule, and bring in new local clients.

"You are so awesome! I have had 20+ bookings just in the last few days since we went live. Most from new clients that found me online!"


Health Centered Leadership

5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page | Wordpress Blog
Nicole, founder of Health Centered Leadership, is a health coach and author who started her business to bring health practices and mindset to corporate work environments to better their culture, work-life balance, and longevity. 


Nicole needed a website that, due to her audience, veered on the more traditionally professional side while still maintaining a modern, youthfulness, friendly energy, and sense of self. 

Jordan Hara | Fashion Model


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4 Pages | Portfolio Page and Gallery
Jordan needed a sleek and sexy website to send to brands and agencies that showcased his work as a fashion model, highlighted his new photoshoots, and captured his outgoing, friendly personality.

"Hannah has made it so easy for me to prioritize my energy on my creative projects. Rather than stress about my website or how I am going to showcase my past work and myself to brands, I get to use my energy on what I love!"


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Website in a Day
5 Pages | 1 Long-Form Sales Page
This is my fast-paced, intensive 1:1 website design package. Perfect if you know what you want, you need a new site up and running a$ap so you can stop losing out on sales, course sign up, and lead gen.. So, what are you waiting for? 



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Custom Website and Beyond..
7-10 Pages | 2-3 Long-Form Sales Page | Blog/Shop/etc.
The luxury website design package... We’re talkin’ swim-up bar, poolside drinks at the snap of your finger, champagne in the bathtub because why not.. What is luxury anyway if not being able to sit back knowing you’re completely taken care of?

This is perfect for established businesses who need a website that is going to reflect your growth, genius, and propel you business forward.

"When I first saw my website I literally cried tears of absolute joy because the website reflected my heart. "

"My website makes me look so professional, and has given me the confidence to market myself. It also inspires my clients confidence in me. Somehow Hannah was able to listen, intuit and design something that I was excited and proud to put out into the world."

"Somehow, you took what was in my mind and brought it to life. "

"You helped ferret out what I wanted. You helped me put words to what was in my head. I teared up. That is the absolute truth.I have a website that reflects what I do and I am proud to share it."

I want to let go of the stress, prioritize my time, and hand you the reins

I'm not quite ready for pro design, but I need a website - Let's D.I.Y.

I get it, you got a business to run! Get expert, 1:1 website design & development tailored to your specific business needs and the dream clients you want to bring in. I build you an online home for your business that is intentional, strategic, showcases your worth, and aligns with you.

Perfect for new-to-biz creatives & brands who are looking for a cost-effective way to just get out there! My templates are designed with a fill-in-the-blank strategic framework and easy to customize design so you can start showing up online, like yesterday, without breaking the bank!

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..To stop cringing when you send your website to potential clients?
..To feel confident in your online presence? 

Let's create your dream website